White Mountains Chapter of Arizona Professional Writers 1st Annual Festival of Books was a Success!
The Elks Lodge
Directions are found when you click on the map
The First Annual White Mountains Festival of Books, is available
Vendor Information
An early bird table can be purchased for $95 or half for $45, prior to May 15th, afterwards the price is $100 for a table or $50 for half.
Please reach out to or
Or call 928-241-4500
More Activities:
August 2, 6pm Meeting and Greet No Host Event at The Lodge Bar & Grill, Pinetop, AZ
August 3, kids 3-15 dress up like your favorite charater in a book
August 3, Kids Corner - events throughout the day
Silent Auction during Event, and Drawings through out the day for books from various authors.
How to get the form?
Click on the form itself and download it. (Note: it is a legal size document.)
How do I pay?
You can mail a check with your application to the address listed. Or you can pay by PayPal to and mail in your form with PayPal invoice number.
Special Discount for Earlier Birds
Early Birds are those who register before May 15th. Your price as an Early is Bird is $90 for the eight-foot table and two chairs. Or half the table for $45 and two chairs.
After May 15, 2024, the regular price is $100 for the table and two chairs, or half a table is $50 and two chairs.
What If I Want to Place An Ad in the Program
Prices are listed on the bottom of the registration form, along with camera-ready requirements and where to send them.